Women in India

In India there is no gender equality and this makes it hard for women to become successful. Indian women do not get to have the same opportunities as the men do. Some examples of gender unfairness is that families prefer to have sons then girls, there is domestic violence towards the women, and women do not get to have an education. In addition if they do not agree with gender norms they will be publically humiliated and even executed. This makes it difficult for Indian women to have a livelihood or even a voice.

India has a high rate of infant female babies that are being aborted. A traditional Indian family does not want a girl because one the girl gets married to her husband the girl’s family has to pay dowries, which is a large amount of money, to the husband’s family. Another reason why Indian families wants boys is that boys carry the name of the family and also bring pride, while girls are seen as burdens. This leads to fewer girls in India and now there is a problem because there are no women for men to get married to.

Domestic violence is not uncommon in an Indian family. Most domestic violence against women occur because the dowry that is due when they get married is not collected on time. This leads to the husband and family mistreating his wife. If a wife does not meet the expectations of their husbands, upsets him, or even disobeys him in any way he will mistreat her. Women will also face public humiliation as well.

Women do not get an education in India because it is more important that they work to help and take care of the family. Although going to school is free, families that are poor cannot afford to buy the book, uniforms, and pay for transportation. If a family has to choose between their son and daughter they will send he son because he is the one that will take care of his parent when they are elderly. Also sending a girl to school seems to them like a waste of money because she will go live with her husband and not take care of her parents. Also the lack of good schools stops women from getting educated.(NS)

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